Thursday, December 25, 2014

Across Cook's Strait

Merry Christmas.  We are spending Christmas by making our way across Cook's strait on the interislander ferry.  Yesterday was pretty much a driving day.  We left Ohakune early to head south along the coast, hitting Wanganui along the way.  In Wanganui, there was a museum where we learned about the extinct Moa, a large flightless bird that lived in the region long ago.  They were able to find bones in a swamp close to Wanganui which preserved the bones over the years, much like La Brea Tar Pitts did to the animal bones found in that site. 

Crashing a winery:
Along the road, Liz saw a winery sign and we decided to stop.  The place appeared closed, as there were no cars in the parking lot and no signs welcoming us in.  So, we knocked on the door and were greeted by the home owners, who promptly set up shop for us.  I guess they didn't expect any Chistmas Eve visitors.  The winery produced lots of different fruit wine and very few grape wines.  We tried a honey meed, a plum wine, and a ginger wine among some others. 

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