Saturday, January 3, 2015

Rob Roy Glacier

Jan 2, we took a hike to the Rob Roy Glacier.  It's a 2-3 hour hike at the end of about 20 km of gravel road where the highway ends, which takes you up and into a valley carved out by this glacier many years ago.  The glacier is a mere remnant of what it once was, however, looking up on the mountain to see the ice capping the crest was impressive.  Two or three times during our stay at the top, we heard a sound like a clap of thunder as the ice broke and bits fell down the side.  There were gushing waterfalls all along the mountain face, and the site was magnificent. 

I am glad that we got to see a glacier on this trip since we skipped the west coast of the South Island, which would have allowed us to see one of the more famous glaciers of New Zealand, the Franz Joseph Glacier. 

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